Wild by Nature.

Facilitating nature restoration and wilderness expeditions across the planet.


Nature restoration

Wild by Nature is consulting initiatives making socio-ecological impacts through nature-based-solutions in wild, rural and urban landscapes.

Nature based solution are 37% the solution to climate change. It is time to move beyond conservation and develop regenerative narratives, and wilder landscapes, by restoring nature, revitalising local communities and creating positive outcomes for both biodiversity and people.

Rewilding - Agroforestry - Reforestation - Urban Greening



Wild by Nature’s expeditions can be planet positive in many ways. Participants may contribute to nature restoration and conservation through donations, hands-on rewilding, storytelling and research. 

Immersing ourselves in nature can also be transformative on a personal level through learning experiences. In a wild setting you will much easier make shift of awareness, knowing what’s important for you and our environment.

Uganda - California - Swiss Alps - Picos de Europa - Swedish Lapland

The story.


More than half of the world now lives in urban areas, and with profit the driving force of the Western world’s existence, we have become detached from our roots. From hunter-gatherers, farmers and herders, we have become factory workers and digital city dwellers within just a few thousand years. 75% of the earth’s land areas are now degraded thanks to rapid expansion and the unsustainable management of croplands and grazing lands. But there is hope, we can still restore and rewild our ecosystems and mitigate our interrelated global climate, biodiversity and health crises.

Sustainability and technological innovations are not the key solution to our climate problem. The solution is hidden in ourselves and the way we humans treat our forests, soils, oceans, mountains, wetlands and rivers. The intrinsic value of untouched nature, clean air, flowing rivers, free roaming animals and healthy soils, surpasses any form of monetary appreciation of nature or natural resources. Only when we reconnect with nature and rewild ourselves again, can we successfully rewild our planet.

“We can only rewild our planet, if we first rewild ourselves.”

— Kristine Tompkins

Connect with us.

We are looking forward to working with NGO’s, landowners, entrepreneurs, donors and researchers.